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Don't Fret—Female Hair Loss is More Common Than You Think

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Don't Fret—Female Hair Loss is More Common Than You Think

Don't Fret—Female Hair Loss is More Common Than You ThinkFor women, hair loss can be a devastating experience. So many times, our hair can be a major defining factor of our physicality. So when we start to see the hair strands falling out of our scalp and going down the shower drain in massive quantities, it can cause a great deal of concern. Since male hair loss tends to be more socially acceptable—but no less devastating—it is not surprising that women often experience a great deal of emotional pain when this happens to them. If left untreated or unaddressed, this condition can even lead to anxiety and depression. Many women have reported not wanting to leave the home once they start to experience bald patches on their scalps.

Although older women often report losing hair at a faster rate, this phenomenon can occur at any age. In fact, when women in the UK were surveyed, over 20% of women aged 25 and over reported hair loss. In total, around eight million women in the UK suffer from hair loss conditions such as alopecia areata—and one in eight of these women are under the age of 35. Furthermore, since hair loss can be considered a blow to a woman's femininity, she may not seek treatment for the condition. In fact, about one-third of women experiencing this issue choose to suffer in silence, not addressing it at all.

To complicate matters, sometimes the health problems that can lead to female hair loss—such as high levels of stress, poor nutrition, and certain birth control pills—come with stigmas of their own. Also, women often don't realize that hair loss has become an issue until it's been going on for a long time. It's estimated by hair experts that women often don't take notice of the problem until they've lost about 15% of their hair volume. This can make it even more difficult to pinpoint the cause.

However, regardless of the cause, both men and women who are suffering from hair loss must deal with the consequences—what they see in the mirror every morning. This is where Apollo Hair comes in—we are experts at helping you to combat this issue. Rest assured that we've dealt with many others who have been battling with the same issue. If you've been noticing a decline in the volume of your hair, or perhaps your hairdresser has even mentioned something about it, now is the time to take control. There's no need to feel shame about your hair loss or thinning hair; to find out how we can help your unique situation, contact the hair loss experts at Apollo Hair today. The sooner you take control, the sooner you can look forward to feeling like yourself again.

Individualized Hair Loss Solutions
At Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas / Fort Worth, we take pride in being able to offer you both surgical and non-surgical hair loss solutions. By introducing new and innovative technologies, we can provide our clients with the widest array of hair loss solutions.

We understand what it's like to be frustrated in the search for answers. At Apollo of Dallas / Fort Worth that frustration ends! We strive not only to solve your hair loss problem, but to provide the most positive, comfortable, and confidential service in the hair replacement industry.

Call us now for a FREE consultation! Get your life back!

Last modified on Wednesday, 20 July 2016 13:08