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Could Estrogen be causing your Hair Loss?

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Estrogen is a natural and necessary hormone, but too much estrogen - for both men and women - can cause hair loss. Too much estrogen can cause hair loss and thinning hair. Many times, an increase in estrogen is caused by perimenopause, ingesting or touching endocrine disruptor items and gaining weight. Estrogen affects the hormones, which in turn affect the ability for your hair to grow. You will find that with estrogen dominance, your hair does not grow in strong and healthy. You will also find that the hair that you do have is prone to thinning and starts falling out. 

When people have too much estrogen, they may also find that they have other health symptoms such as weight gain, tiredness and depression. Estrogen is metabolized by the body, which should take care of excess estrogen. The problem comes when too much estrogen is created by the body and the metabolizing process cannot keep up. However, when people have too little estrogen, they find that they experience hair loss and hair thinning as well. You may even see patches of hair loss on your head or experience excess hair shedding, particularly when you take a shower or brush your hair.

To test for estrogen dominance and diminished estrogen levels, an estrogen test can be taken at your local doctor's office. Most tests are taken through a blood test but a urine sample can also be tested for the estrogen level. The best thing to do to help with hair loss caused by estrogen is to fix the estrogen imbalance and stop the hair loss and hair thinning. 

The next step to fixing your hair involves addressing other potential causes of unhealthy hair. Losing weight to arrive at a healthy weight and eating more nutritious foods can make a big difference in the quality of your hair. Choosing quality hair care products is also really important when it comes to improving the quality of your hair. You want to make sure that the products you are using are not contributing to your hair loss and are helping to keep your existing hair as healthy as possible.

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Last modified on Monday, 05 February 2018 19:11