Many Americans suffer from one degree or another of lack of sleep. If a person isn't getting enough sleep, this can put stress on your body of the emotional, physical and mental sort. When combined with a poor diet, this one-two punch can mean an escalation of hair loss or can set a person up for future hair loss problems.
The good news is that there are several things a person can do to try to help sustain or renew their scalp and hair health. Getting adequate sleep and eating the right food, and how these two things can help, will be explored below.
Getting adequate sleep is one of the most crucial building blocks in living a healthy, and long, life. In the hair health arena, getting the needed amount of rest every night helps your body in absorbing the necessary nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, that will not only make you healthier and stronger overall, but that will aid your body in producing and circulating essential scalp oils as well as in supporting strong and healthy hair follicles.
You need to get those nutrients into your body before it can make use of them during your slumbers, which leads to the second item in this short list of two of the most crucial foundations for living a healthy life. Eating right is a proactive decision you can make to help in restoring, or maintaining, your hair and scalp health, as well as working to allow you to reap the many benefits of living a healthier lif, such as having plenty of positive energy and avoiding sicknesses.
There are several foods in particular that can aid in improving both your overall health and the well-being of your scalp and hair. Hair is made of protein, so be sure to eat enough protein-rich foods like meat, poultry and fish. If you're a vegetarian, look towards eating enough of your favorite beans, including highly beneficial legumes like lentils and chickpeas. Nuts, eggs, quinoa and broccoli should also be mentioned. These foods will aid your body in absorbing and producing iron, a critical mineral everyone needs, especially in one's efforts to support vigorous hair health.
Vitamin C is essential for reducing the effects of bodily stress and also is said to contribute to a lowered risk of cancer. It is also crucial for hair follicle health. Vitamin C is a common supplement, but can also be absorbed from foods such as broccoli, cantaloupe, strawberries, citrus fruits and dark leafy greens such as spinach.