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Try Peppermint Essential Oil for Hair Growth

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Why Peppermint Oil?

Peppermint contains a compound called menthol. Menthol is a vasodilator, and vasodilators improve blood flow. Peppermint oil stimulates hair growth because of the increase blood circulation around the scalp when it is applied to the scalp.

Sometimes hair loss can occur due to starved blood flow to hair follicles. Increasing circulation with a vasodilator like a peppermint  essential oils could potentially improve hair growth and even prevent some hair loss



How to use Peppermint oil for Hair Growth

  1. Purchase a shampoo or conditioner with Peppermint oil: Read the label you are looking for 3% peppermint oil as determined in the Toxicological Research study.
  2. Make your own hair care product: Add 1 to 2 drops of high-quality peppermint essential oil to your hand add your shampoo or conditioner mix and apply and shampoo/condition as usual.
  3. For a quick treatment add 2 drops of a high-quality peppermint essential oil to one tablespoon of coconut oil. Rub the mixture into the scalp and leave for at least 30 minutes.

NOTE: A light scalp tingle is what we are going for but a burning sensation or too much tingling may mean the oil is too strong.  If the oil is too strong rinse immediately. If burning or irritation continues, a person should see a doctor. Try a small test patch on your skin to make sure you don’t develop any skin irritation or burning.

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Last modified on Wednesday, 18 April 2018 19:14