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Holiday Hair Restoration

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Do you ever wonder how Santa keeps that lucious, snow white head of hair? His job is one of the most stressful jobs in the world, traveling house-to-house, keeping his list of who’s naughty and who’s nice, reading letters from children across the world, and eating all those cookies! If he doesn’t lose is from stress and a bad diet, how does he not pull it out? Because he’s Santa Claus, of course! He works in mysterious and magical ways, and one of those ways is having beautiful hair even though the odds are against him!

But not all of us have the gift of magic. And that’s where Apollo Hair Replacement comes in! Did you know stress is a huge factor in hair loss in both women and men? Between traveling, hosting family, shopping, traffic, finding the right presents, and, of course, visiting your in-laws, the holidays are one of the most stressful times of the year. But we have a solution to some of those stress-inducing situations! 

We’re centrally located! No matter where you are in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, we’re just a quick a sleigh ride away! Travel and traffic can be so stressful, and Apollo Hair Replacement offers a convenient, centrally located office for anyone in the metroplex.

Okay, you can deal with traffic. You’ve got Mariah Carey’s Christmas album blaring in your car, so all is right in the world. But those crowds! You no longer have the majestic, high-pitch tones of Mariah when you’re in the store. Instead, you get the not-so-lovely, high pitched screams of babies (and adults) screaming which presents they want. But shopping and finding the perfect present isn’t hard this year, because you can give the gift of hair! There’s no longer a need to fight the crowds with our easy (and free) online consultation. Or simply call in to discuss the best treatment for you or your loved one. We offer a range of hair loss treatments at affordable prices!

So we can’t actually help you with your in-laws. But we can help you gain more self-confidence with a full head of hair! With a fuller hair, you know for a fact that you can beat your father-in-law in Santa Limbo this year! His 12-year reign is coming to an end, and it’s all because your thick, beautiful hair gave you the confidence you’ve been lacking in recent years. Take that, Bob!

If you have a full head of hair already, you surely know someone who doesn’t. So give the gift of hair for the holidays, even if it’s to yourself!

Contact us now for a free consultation! Get your life back for the holidays!

Last modified on Monday, 10 December 2018 11:43