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Thyroid Conditions and Your Hair

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The thyroid is part of the endocrine system, and it’s located in the lower neck below the Adam's apple. Your thyroid is actually pretty small (roughly 1oz in weight), but is crucial to bodily function and your health. It produces hormones that are distributed directly into the bloodstream, and those hormones regulate things like your energy, cell reproduction, and even -- you guessed it -- hair growth. The thyroid does much more, but let’s focus on hair loss and what may be causing it, in terms of your thyroid. 


There are essentially two conditions related to hair loss and your thyroid: hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. 


Hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid that can cause extreme weight gain and fatigue. This is a slow developing condition that you may not realize you have until months later due to the symptoms showing up later in its life span. Hyperthyroidism is an overactive thyroid that can cause extreme weight loss and severe anxiety. Both of these conditions can also cause hair loss.  


Hair loss due to hyperthyroidism and hyperthyroidism is usually the result of severe and prolonged cases. It affects the entire scalp, not just patches. The good news is that the chances of your hair growing back are very good after treatment. Because the hair life cycle is a long, hair loss due to thyroid disease becomes apparent several months after the onset of thyroid disease. Often times after treatment, hair loss can become more severe and apparently, but if you keep consistent with treatment, you should see results in 6-9 months. 


Thyroid conditions can cause hair loss if they are severe and go untreated. Understanding how these conditions cause hair loss involves understanding how hair grows.


Your doctor may prescribe certain drugs used to treat thyroid conditions, but those drugs may also contribute to hair thinning. It can be hard to tell if the drug or your thyroid condition is causing your hair to thin due to hair’s long life cycle, but continuing to see your doctor about the issue should help you with your strategy for regrowth. 


Mild forms of thyroid conditions don’t generally lead to thinning hair. As a result, working with your doctor to keep your condition under control with medication may keep your hair thicker or regenerate growth. Results will likely not be immediate because hair takes some time to develop and then grow.


While hyper/hypothyroidism is a serious condition and you should always consult your doctor, Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth offers free consultations. We can advise and consult on your condition, and how to properly regrow your hair after your issue has been diagnosed. We specialize in full and total hair regrowth, replacement, and even wigs! 


While thyroid conditions are serious and need to be medically attended to, there’s no reason for you to lose your hair permanently. Apollo can help you get your life and hair back! Contact us today for your free consultation!

Last modified on Tuesday, 17 September 2019 11:22