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St. Patrick's Day

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First off, let’s address the elephant in the room. Everyone’s life is being affected and essentially halted by Covid-19 (Coronavirus). Let’s not make light of the seriousness of the situation, but let’s also try to get our minds off of it and read this factual and beautifully written blog. In all seriousness, everyone stay safe, probably stay at home, and wash your hands like you just made cut jalapenos and have to take your contacts out. 


Now let’s get back to the fun stuff. Today is St. Patrick’s Day! It’s usually a bar-going, alcohol infested day with parades, crowds, bar hopping, Irish celebration, leprechauns, and green everywhere. Personally, I hate green. But I do like to throw a little on during SPD so I can at least call myself festive. But I digress. 


The biggest part of St. Patrick’s Day here in America is alcohol. But many people dress up as well! If you’re thinking about rockin’ a green wig, check out this blog about types of wigs to use that won’t damage your hair! But let’s talk about alcohol and your hair. How does excessive alcohol affect your hair? Does drinking cause hair damage? Are there ways to prevent unhealthy hair due to drinking? All of these questions will be answered right here. 


Because hair is obviously part of the body, and alcohol affects the body in so many ways, it can absolutely damage and cause hair loss. Alcohol dehydrates your body, which causes existing hair follicles to be dry and brittle, making them more likely to fall out. Dehydration can also cause dandruff due to drying out the skin and scalp. 


Excessive alcohol use can also cause your blood sugar to spike. These spikes and high blood pressure have been linked to or caused pattern baldness in both men and women. greenbeer


Drinking heavily and often also takes a toll on your sleep patterns. This means that, because of excessive alcohol consumption, your sleep cycles can be disrupted, causing stress, which ultimately causes hair loss. For more information on hair loss caused by stress, read this blog


Finally, alcohol can cause your body to not take in the proper nutrients that keep your hair shiny, thick, and healthy. It does this two ways. First, you may feel full after consuming multiple beers or alcoholic drinks. This means that you may skip dinner or not eat because you’ve consumed empty calories and carbonated liquid. There is no nutritional value to beer and liquor, so these empty calories may make you feel full, yet you haven’t actually taken in any nutrients that your body needs. This can cause your body to struggle with absorbing these essential nutrients, ultimately causing your hair to become unhealthy and increasing the risk of shedding. 


Ultimately, for St. Patrick’s Day, be safe. I 100% know that this blog will not cause you to not go drinking to celebrate St. Patty. But just be aware that in the long run, alcohol consumption will cause hair damage and could lead to you not having any. Keep that in mind next time you haven’t eaten, but you’ve drank excessively for the day. Make sure you fill your body with nutrients, even if you feel full from drinking! 


Are you struggling with thinning or balding hair? Contact Apollo Hair Replacement today for your free consultation! Get your hair back. Get your life back. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!



Image - Huffington Post


Last modified on Tuesday, 17 March 2020 13:19