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Protein Can Contribute to the Growth and Strength of Hair

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Your Hair Needs ProteinYour Hair Needs Protein
Although most people understand the importance of obtaining protein for proper health in the body, few realize the benefits that it offers to the hair. Protein is one of the main nutrients that can contribute to the growth and strength of hair, making it important to obtain consistently to maintain the quality and thickness of the hair. When learning about protein for hair, there are a few benefits to enjoy for a healthier and shiner mane.

Keratin is essential for proper hair growth due to keratinocytes that it contains. If keratin is not obtained, hair loss can begin to occur with strands that become dry or brittle over time. This can result in a significant amount of breakage when washing, curling, or brushing your hair throughout the week. With the use of keratin, hair naturally becomes stronger and more durable, which allows it to withstand washing and styling on a frequent basis without breaking down.

90 percent of the hair is in a growing stage before it rests for three to four months. If not enough protein is obtained, it can cause the hair to become in a long-term resting faze that leads to thinning hair and balding. This makes it crucial that protein is obtained consistently through various methods.

Hair Texture
The amount of protein that hair receives will also determine its texture. You can improve the texture of your hair by infusing it with various types of oils that are available, which can be applied directly to the follicles and roots. Use almond oil, coconut oil, olive oil, and castor oil before massaging it into the scalp and allowing it to soak in for 40 minutes. This will help to improve the hair's texture and allow it to become stronger and shinier with protein that it obtains through the oils.

Ways to Obtain Protein
Many different types of hair products that are available on the market contain protein, which can benefit the hair shaft by strengthening it. Heat must be used in conjunction with products that contain protein to ensure that the protein penetrates the hair shaft and doesn't just sit on top of it.

An additional way of obtaining proper protein for your hair is to consume it through your diet. It's important to obtain the right amount of omega-3 fatty acids by incorporating fish, eggs, soy milk and yogurt, and fruit juices into your diet.