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Holiday Stress

While the holidays are supposed to be filled with joy, love, and family, holiday stress is very real. The logistics, gift giving, food prepping, and so many more things surrounding the end of the year cause physical and emotional stress for so many people. Unfortunately, stress and anxiety can cause hair loss.

The result of your hair falling out due to stress is called telogen effluvium. It’s your body’s way of telling your hair to stop growing, putting it into a resting phase, where it will eventually fall out. When the majority of your hair goes into its resting phase, you’ll see significant hair loss across your scalp. The good news is that it eventually should grow back when you lessen the amount of physical and emotional stress your body and mind are encountering.

But don’t worry! You can fight stress and anxiety fairly easily! Don’t be afraid to try relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing. If meditation isn’t your thing, any exercise releases toxins from your body, ultimately healing your mind. Yes, that’s right. Exercising can help you keep your beautiful hair healthy!

Another way to control your stress levels is to keep good company. Don’t surround yourself with negativity or pessimism. Keep the right company with positive friends and even those you follow on social media. Positivity is huge for your mind, keeping your stress down, and keeping your hair healthy.

We’ve mentioned it in multiple blogs, but a proper diet can help keep your hair healthy. One of the reasons for this is because a good diet can keep your stress levels down. If you eat unhealthy foods, such as fast food, carb-filled meals, or food with a lot of grease, you could be causing your body to increase its blood pressure. Try eating a healthier diet with more greens and protein, or foods that contain Vitamin E and Omega-3 fatty acids! For tips on what to eat during the holidays to keep your hair healthy, see Foods You Should be Eating for the Holidays.

If holiday stress is getting the best of you? Is it causing your hair to shed or thin?

Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth offers free consultations to help your figure out why you’re losing hair. Don’t lose your hair to stress or preventable issues, call Apollo today. Get your hair back. Get your life back!

Foods You Should Be Eating for the Holidays

So many things can affect your hair’s overall health and growth. These factors include genetics, hormones, age, nutrients, and even food. That’s right… food. And what time of the year is it? It’s the holiday season with Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner. Typical of this time of year is eating and putting on “holiday weight.” But what if I told you that some of the things you’ll be eating could help your hair growth and health, and some of the things you’ll be eating can ultimately damage your hair? Well, it’s true. Choose your foods wisely this holiday season to help your hair continue to grow and stay healthy. hair regrowth

These nutrients all help your hair:

Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin C
Omega-3 fatty acids

Here are some options for things to eat during the holidays:


Blueberries contain the most antioxidants out of any fruit or vegetable. Antioxidants can prevent or slow damage to cells caused by free radicals, unstable molecules that the body produces as a reaction to environmental and other pressures. This, in turn, protects your hair from harmful rays, heat, and so many other things that can damage your hair’s health.

This holiday season, put down the refined sugars and reach for some blueberries!


Not a lot of people give Spinach a chance as a side. It’s versatile in that you can saute it, steam it, use it as an ingredient in things like soup, or you can even eat it raw!Spinach helps red blood cells to carry oxygen to hair follicles and keep the healthy hair growth phases in action. Add spinach to your Thanksgiving lunch and reap the benefits of healthy hair!


Eggs are packed with nutrients, including biotin. Biotin is one of the best over-the-counter options for hair regrowth. During Thanksgiving and Christmas, try eating eggs for breakfast and filling up a little bit so you won’t crave unhealthy holiday foods during lunch. You can even boil eggs and eat them as a quick snack in case you do find yourself with those cravings!

Are you struggling with these menu items and still have thinning hair? Contact Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth today for a free consultation! Get your hair back. Get your life back!

Caring for African Hair during the Winter

We’ve talked about the three different ethnic hair profiles, and now we need to discuss ways to take care of hair during the cold months. Since African hair is probably the trickiest due to the texture and density, we’ll stick to that for this article. Black and White Photo Valentines Day Sale Social Media Graphic

African hair care methods need to change through the different seasons. Winter months make for tougher hair care due to the dry air and cold temperatures. Be sure to take extra care of your hair during these months, or you could see breaking in the hair and a dry and itchy scalp.

While you need to care differently for African hair through the changing season, you must also change carefully to not stress your hair.

With the winter months being so dry, the most important part in protecting your hair is retaining moisture. Drinking more water (a suggested 96oz per day) is a huge part of helping your body (and hair) retain water and moisture. You can also eat fruits and vegetables that are rich in water, like strawberries, peaches, tomatoes, and cucumbers.

Another way to keep African hair healthy during the cold is to shampoo your hair once a week. We’ve talked before that shampooing your hair every day is actually harmful to your hair and usually dries it out. But if you make sure to shampoo once a week, the natural, healthy oils will remain in your hair and on your scalp, which prevents dryness during the winter. When you are shampooing your hair, try using cooler water to avoid excessive heat on your hair and scalp. Also, use a leave-in conditioner and don’t rub a towel all over your head, but blot your hair dry like a stain on a shirt. All of these things can prevent damage during harsh winter months!

Are you experiencing hair thinning or balding? Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth specializes in hair restoration, wigs, total hair replacement, and more! We work with all three ethnic profiles of hair, and we offer free consultations for any issues you may be having regarding your hair.

Call us today for your free consultation with a hair professional. Get your hair back. Get your life back!

Your Ethnicity and Your Hair

There are three different ethnic hair profiles, each with their own characteristics. They each have their own typical color, texture, structure, and implantation in the scalp. These characteristic differences means that, between ethnicities, hair doesn’t grow, look, or even feel the same across each one.

The three ethnic hair profiles are Asian, Caucasian, and African. Let’s go over each profile’s characteristics and their differences between each other.

Asian hair

Asian hair is usually black and very straight because it grows perpendicularly to the scalp. Asian hair is the fastest growing hair, at a rate of approximately 1.4 centimeters per month. A strand of Asian hair has a somewhat round, even shape, but also has the lowest density of the three ethnicities.

Caucasian hair

Caucasian hair is the most diverse of the three ethnicities in terms of characteristics. It can be straight, wavy, or curly, and its color can be anywhere from blond to black. Caucasian hair grows diagonally to the scalp, approximately 1.2 centimeters per month. A strand of Caucasian hair is oval in shape, and has the highest density of the three ethnic profiles. This means that Caucasian hair is typically the fullest of the three.

African hair

Most often, African hair is characterized by tight curls and kinks. It grows almost parallel to the scalp and has the slowest growth rate at 0.9 centimeters per month. The reason for it having the slowest growth rate of the three profiles is due to its spiral structure that causes it to curl upon itself during growth. An African hair strand has a flat shape, and is the middle of the three profiles in terms of density.

While there are multiple differences between the three profiles, there are also multiple similarities. All hair is composed of a cortex, a cuticle, a medulla, and the keratin protein.Unfortunately, another thing all ethnic profiles have in common is that the general causes of hair loss are universal among the races, and most available treatments can be beneficial for hair restoration in patients with Asian, Caucasian and African profiles.

Are you struggling with hair loss? No matter your ethnic profile, Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas can help!

Call us today for your free consultation! Get your hair back. Get your life back!

Happy Hairloween!

It’s October, and you can find pumpkins almost anywhere right now! Halloween is right around the corner, and people are carving out jack-o-lanterns, decorating their front porches with pumpkins, and, of course, drinking some pumpkin spice lattes! Okay, the last one doesn’t really help you here, but it’s still a popular item during the fall! SuRprise Sale 89

What a lot of people don’t realize is that pumpkins are more useful than just decoration, creative carving, and flavoring your coffee! Pumpkins are actually a huge health benefit, from helping improve vision, providing your body with vitamins, and even helping reduce hair loss!

Diets can be a big reason you’re seeing increased hair loss, and adding pumpkin to your diet (not just during October) can help you gain and retain that hair you once had. While pumpkins are low in fat, they offer high fiber, natural antioxidants, and a high amount of Vitamins A and C.

Pumpkins are also a great source of magnesium and copper. Both of these help keep your hair thick and healthy. Magnesium helps the body to absorb calcium, and a deficiency can lead to hair loss similar to excessive shedding caused by a calcium deficiency. Copper contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system and may help the hair to retain its normal pigmentation.

Not only do pumpkins offer these vitamins and health benefits, they also offer cholesterol management and have been linked to keeping hearts healthy. Things like soy isoflavones, tryptophan, and other amino acids help reduce DHT in the blood, making pumpkins a magical fruit for your hair in both women and men!

Pumpkins also promote better sleep, which, in turn, promotes hair growth! Hair sheds for multiple different reasons, including stress, poor diet, and lack of sleep. You’ll often find pumpkin in the ingredients of many multivitamins and supplements for hair loss. The Halloween fruit really does carry so many benefits, you should try eating pumpkin in things like smoothies and even in their seed form!

Are you in desperate need of something to help your grow your hair back or stop your hair from thinning? You can nip it in the bud by making pumpkin a part of your daily diet! You can also call Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth for a free consultation about how to regrow or replace your thinning hair. We’ll consult you on your diet, sleep habits, and so many other things that affect your scalp and hair.

Don’t be spooked! Call Apollo today to get your hair back, and turn this Halloween into Hairloween!

Halloween and Your Hair

Halloween is full of candy, scares, and dressing up in costumes! A lot of the time, dressing up means doing something crazy or out of the norm with your hair. While this can be fun, silly, scary, and about 30 different other adjectives, it can take a toll on your locks! So how do you still get that look you want without destroying your hair? Let’s talk about the dos and don’ts of Halloween and your hair!

SuRprise Sale 88Go ahead and spike that hair! There are so many products out there that allow you to safely spike, push up, and hold your hair in ways you wouldn’t think possible. You can also use colored hair sprays to temporarily change your hair color to something funky! But whatever you do, don’t use harsh dyes or chop your locks off just for Halloween. You’ll spend the next 3 months in regret while your hair grows back and fights against the mistakes you made. Be smart! Be temporary!

If you have to go super drastic, try using a wig, even a wig you’ve previously used for other Halloweens. You can wash old wigs in the sink, cleaning them up a bit and making them good as new! You can even use the previously mentioned products (colored hair spray, gel, etc.) in wigs.

If you end up using your own hair and not a wig, make sure you take a shower and wash your hair before you go to sleep! Some of those products use some pretty harsh chemicals, so keeping it in your hair longer can have negative effects. Even applying pressure to your hair when it’s got a holding product in it can damage your hair. So wash it before you go to bed on the night of Halloween, and you’ll feel better the next day, even if you are hungover! If your spray-in hair color doesn’t wash out right away, that’s okay! Give it a second go, and try using some conditioner to soften up the chemicals in the products. If you need to leave the conditioner in a little longer than usual, that’s okay too!

Only use hair products for your hair! Don’t try to get cute and find something around the house that’ll do the trick. Be sure you read labels and use things exactly as they’re supposed to be used. Make sure every product you use is non-toxic, preventing your hair from getting unnecessarily damage .Your hair is important, and can also be fragile! Take care of it, even on Halloween! 

So get out there with your best costumes, and don’t be afraid to do something wild with your hair! Just always remember to take care of your hair before, during, and afterwards to ensure the least amount of damage as possible.

Have thinning or balding hair? Call Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth today for your free consultation! Don’t get scared to death, call us today and get your hair back! Get your life back! Happy Halloween!

To Wig or Not to Wig

Halloween is almost here! That means virtual parties, Drive thru haunted houses, adult beverages, and most importantly, costumes. It’s 2020 and access to creative ideas for costumes is easier than ever. A quick Google search can give you a ton of ideas on what you’re dressing up as for Halloween! Whether it’s for your office party, or a themed get together with friends, you have to make sure your costume is on point! Often times, that means doing something wild with your hair, or even wearing a wig. SuRprise Sale 87

Wigs are a great way to transform your look without damaging or drastically changing your hair. However, wigs aren’t always the safest idea for your hair, especially if you wear the wig wrong. If you attach the wig improperly by attaching it directly to your hair, it can cause damage by pulling individual hairs from the follicle. The same effect happens when you wear hats too often, especially if they’re tight around the scalp. This causes a lack of blood flow to your scalp, ultimately causing hair loss. Another issue wearing wigs like this could cause is heat. If your wig is too tight and you attach it directly to your hair, it can heat up your scalp and damage the root of your hair and your follicles.

Wigs can tend to cause itchy, dry skin on your scalp. And how do you tend to a dry, itchy scalp? Typically, you scratch it. This can worsen the dryness and completely damage and pull out hairs… like raking a lawn.

So how do you wear a wig correctly? Let’s start with the condition of your hair. Don’t wear wigs if your hair isn’t freshly washed and conditioned. Wearing wigs over greasy, dirty, matted down hair can essentially suffocate your hair, causing it to fall out. Always wash and condition your hair before sporting that sweet wig!

Always take the time to neatly position your hair to fit under a wig, typically in a wig cap. This reduced pull and strain on your real hair. Wig caps reduce friction on your hair, especially with lace wigs. The wig cap will keep your hair healthy and neatly placed under the wig, while reducing damage.

If you’re bald or have bald spots, make sure to moisturize your scalp to prevent dry, peeling skin from wearing a wig. A conditioned, moisturized scalp can make all the difference!

Wigs are a great way to spice up your Halloween costume, but follow these simple guidelines when wearing wigs. It will protect your hair and your scalp, and ultimately make your hair last longer for Halloweens to come!

Is your hair thinning or are you going bald? Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth offers free consultations on how to get your hair back. From wigs to complete hair replacement, we offer advice and services that are the best in the business! Call Apollo today for your free consultation! Get your hair back. Get your life back!

Your Hair In The Fall

Wind, rain, and cold are all traits of fall and winter. A lot of people love this weather, as they can drink more hot coffee (the ol’ pumpkin spice latte is back!), watch the rain through the windows of their homes, and throw on layers when leaving the house. But fall and winter brings more than just relaxing rain and frigid temperatures… it also brings damage to your hair! SuRprise Sale 86

Your hair grows in a lifecycle that ranges from 2-6 years. Approximately 90% of your hair is in a growing phase at any time, and the remaining 10% is in a resting phase (telogen). Hair remains in telogen for 2-6 months, then falls out. Typically, the hair follicle goes into a resting phase for 3 months, then repeats the process. However, if you’re balding, the hair follicle doesn’t repeat and your hair does not grow back.

So most of your hair is in resting phase during the summer months, then when fall hits, your hair sheds. A lot of it. The fluctuation in the weather and temperature is a huge cause to so much of your hair falling out. The body holds onto those hairs during the heated summer days, and when the weather switches, your body decides to let go.

On top of the weather, if you have an iron or protein deficiency, a specific diet (such as Keto), stress, and a multitude of other things, your hair falling out could compound and that’s why you see so much of it falling out during the autumn months.

There is medicine, however, that you can take to increase follicle activity and encourage hair growth. Biotin, minoxidil, and finasteride are all medicines you can take to help prevent your hair from shedding so much during the fall. Not only do these medications help prevent hair from falling out, they can also promote regrowth of hair, allowing you to keep your head warm with those beautiful locks during the fall and winter!

If none of these medications work, Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth offers free consultations to research and discover the best way for you to keep or regrow your hair during the temperature dropping months! We offer anything from state-of-the-art wigs to laser hair therapy to full hair replacement surgery.

Call Apollo today to get your free consultation, and discover ways to increase your confidence, your hair growth, and your happiness! Get your hair back. Get your life back!

Male Pattern Baldness

Male-pattern baldness (MPHL) affects over 50% of men over 50 and more than 50 million more Americans of all ages each year. While there is technically not a “cure” for male-pattern baldness, there are many remedies that have been and are being developed over the years. 


There are different types of hair loss in men, with MPHL being the most prominent, and there are two types of male-pattern hair loss. Anterior hair loss is a receding hairline that is moving back toward the crown of your head. Vertex hair loss is thinning hair at the crown moving forward to your hair line. These are hereditarily, taking effect when male hormones begin to change with age.


There are multiple treatments that Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth has to offer. . 


You should generally start treatment by using a a topical treatment such as minoxidil (Rogaine) or biotin. You can simply just buy these at the store. There are also different kinds of spray, ointments, or shampoos that help stop the thinning of hair. Sometimes, it can even promote hair regrowth! 


Another effective method is laser hair therapy. Apollo Hair Replacement uses the HairMAX Laser Comb to stimulate hair follicles, strengthen existing hair, and prevent further thinning. It’s a great method to hair loss, even the hereditary male-pattern baldness. 


We specialize in total hair replacement, which is a great treatment for hair loss in both men and women. When we speak of “hair replacement,” we are speaking of a specific non-surgical hair loss solution. When we speak of “hair restoration,” we are speaking of a specific surgical hair loss solution, also known as “hair transplant surgery.” Though the two terms are often used interchangeably in the hair loss industry, they are two different solutions.


Also known as non-surgical “hair systems,” high-end toupees typically consist of an extremely durable mesh base that is colored to match your skin tone. High-end European hair (or Asian hair for Asian clients and Indian hair for Indian clients) is tied to this mesh base using special knotting techniques that not only fasten the hair to the base, but also allow the knots to disappear on the base giving the illusion of growing hair.


Finally, we offer a hair transplant surgery that consists of taking healthy hair and strategically planting it into your scalp for a natural look. Doing this helps the hair take root and will actually continue to grow over time. It’s a great way to get a fuller, healthier head of hair and remedy the dreaded MPHL. This is typically a last result after trying the other treatments and seeing what hair growth results come to fruition. 


Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth offers expert advice on how to proceed with treating your hair loss and getting your life back! Call Apollo Hair Replace of Dallas/Fort Worth today for your free consultation!