Halloween is almost here! That means virtual parties, Drive thru haunted houses, adult beverages, and most importantly, costumes. It’s 2020 and access to creative ideas for costumes is easier than ever. A quick Google search can give you a ton of ideas on what you’re dressing up as for Halloween! Whether it’s for your office party, or a themed get together with friends, you have to make sure your costume is on point! Often times, that means doing something wild with your hair, or even wearing a wig.
Wigs are a great way to transform your look without damaging or drastically changing your hair. However, wigs aren’t always the safest idea for your hair, especially if you wear the wig wrong. If you attach the wig improperly by attaching it directly to your hair, it can cause damage by pulling individual hairs from the follicle. The same effect happens when you wear hats too often, especially if they’re tight around the scalp. This causes a lack of blood flow to your scalp, ultimately causing hair loss. Another issue wearing wigs like this could cause is heat. If your wig is too tight and you attach it directly to your hair, it can heat up your scalp and damage the root of your hair and your follicles.
Wigs can tend to cause itchy, dry skin on your scalp. And how do you tend to a dry, itchy scalp? Typically, you scratch it. This can worsen the dryness and completely damage and pull out hairs… like raking a lawn.
So how do you wear a wig correctly? Let’s start with the condition of your hair. Don’t wear wigs if your hair isn’t freshly washed and conditioned. Wearing wigs over greasy, dirty, matted down hair can essentially suffocate your hair, causing it to fall out. Always wash and condition your hair before sporting that sweet wig!
Always take the time to neatly position your hair to fit under a wig, typically in a wig cap. This reduced pull and strain on your real hair. Wig caps reduce friction on your hair, especially with lace wigs. The wig cap will keep your hair healthy and neatly placed under the wig, while reducing damage.
If you’re bald or have bald spots, make sure to moisturize your scalp to prevent dry, peeling skin from wearing a wig. A conditioned, moisturized scalp can make all the difference!
Wigs are a great way to spice up your Halloween costume, but follow these simple guidelines when wearing wigs. It will protect your hair and your scalp, and ultimately make your hair last longer for Halloweens to come!
Is your hair thinning or are you going bald? Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth offers free consultations on how to get your hair back. From wigs to complete hair replacement, we offer advice and services that are the best in the business! Call Apollo today for your free consultation! Get your hair back. Get your life back!