Telogen effluvium symptoms and explanation
When you brush your hair in the morning, you may notice some loose strands of hair left on your brush after combing. If you are worried about hair breakage, you will know that the hair shed naturally if a little white bulb is on the very end of the hair strand.
Every day, you lose about 100 strands of hair. These strands of hair have entered the last phase of growth, known as the telogen phase. During the telogen phase, hair falls out but is soon replaced by a new hair growing in the hair follicle. 

Hair shedding becomes a problem when the hair sheds faster than it is being replaced because of a large number of hair follicles entering the telogen phase at one time. This condition is called telogen effluvium (TE).
There are three forms of TE. The first form of TE is a short-term shedding phase of six months or less. The second form of TE is an extended shedding phases persisting for more than six months. In the last form of TE, people experience persistent hair shedding that doesn’t allow their hair to retain any length.
You may be suffering from TE if you have noticed a massive increase in the amount of hair you shed after washing or combing. Your hair may also start to look thin because of the hair loss.
TE is usually caused by a shock to the body’s system. This shock affects the rhythm and timing of hair growth. When this happens, almost 40 percent of a person’s hair may enter the telogen phase. A high fever, crash dieting, major surgery, or severe illness can all cause TE. For women, the most common cause of TE is childbirth. Other people may develop TE after experiencing emotional distress.
Short-term TE usually goes away in a few months. Other patients discover they have a hidden dietary deficiency or hormonal imbalance. Once these causes are treated, the TE usually fades away as well.
If you suspect you have TE or other form of hair loss, you should visit us at Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth to discuss your treatment options. Do not try to solve the problem on your own. With our professional help, you may be able to quickly end your hair loss.