1. Premature Thinning
The chemicals found in cigarettes damage the hair follicles on your scalp. Cigarette smoke causes your hair follicles to deteriorate. One result of this is that you can experience premature thinning of your hair and even some bald spots. This damage occurs because your hair can stop growing due to your damaged hair follicles.
2. Dull, Brittle and Grey
Another effect of cigarette smoke damaging your hair follicles is that while your hair may keep growing, it will look dull and brittle. Your hair will not have any shine and fullness. You can even have premature graying of your hair due to cigarette smoke. By quitting smoking or not starting in the first place, you can reduce this effect and have more healthy hair.
3. Hair on Fire
Your hair, including the hair on your eyebrows, is at risk of accidentally catching fire when you light up your cigarette. Then, not only can your hair be damaged, but so can your skin and eyes. By not smoking, your hair will not be at risk of catching fire.
4. The Smell
The most noticeable effect of smoking on your hair is the smell. Your hair will reek of smoke. No one wants to be around someone whose hair smells like smoke. When you smell of smoke, this can affect your both your personal life and your career prospects. Even if you wash your hair every day, the smell of cigarette smoke sticks around in your hair and skin
Overall, smoking has many adverse effects on your body, including your hair. Therefore, when you quit smoking or just decide not to smoke at all, your hair, along with the rest of your body, will benefit. Your hair will be more fuller and full of life because it will not be so thin, dull and brittle. People will not mind being near you because your hair will not reek of cigarette smoke. Most importantly, having hair that is not affected by cigarette smoke enables you to have more confidence in yourself and your appearance.