Genetics can play a large role on premature aging and graying of hair. There can be other factors like stress, anxiety, diet and vitamin deficiencies that contribute to premature graying. These can be alleviated at times by increasing copper, iodine and low-fat proteins into the diet. Food like walnuts, almonds, carrots, spinach, fish, chicken and turkey are all excellent sources of needed nutrients and vitamins.
A healthy adult can have up to 150,000 individual strands of hair on the head. They each grow independent of the other. All hair developing within the womb starts out without color. The development of melanin in the system happens over the course of nine months to provide the hair color present at birth. The process of graying happens when the body is unable to keep an adequate supply of melanin to the cortex, or inner section of the hair strand.
With premature graying a change in diet and vitamin intake can prove helpful, but if you have a strong genetic link to early graying the battle will be tough. Staying well hydrated is critical to keeping hair healthy, vibrant and full of color. Dry and brittle hair is prone to begin the loss of melanin. The aging process slows down many natural functions of the body, such as metabolism and melanin processing.
It is tempting to purchase hair color products to mask the graying, but these can prove to be detrimental to the overall health of your hair and scalp. If you use this method to cover grays try and find products that are free of alcohols and peroxides. There may be other ways to restore the fullness and color of hair without using harsh chemical cover-ups. Contact the professionals at Apollo Hair Replacement today and find out what options and treatments are available to help you look your best!