Myth #1: Hereditary hair loss comes from the mother.
Research has shown that thinning and hair loss can be inherited from the genes of both the mother and father. While it's difficult to predict whether you too will face the challenges of hair loss, the likelihood exists if the condition runs anywhere in your family.
Myth #2: Hair thinning is related to age.
Myth #2: Hair thinning is related to age.
Contrary to popular belief, hair loss can begin at any age – in fact, genetics may determine whether an individual can begin losing hair as early as their teenage years.
Myth #3: Supplements can assist in regrowth.
Myth #3: Supplements can assist in regrowth.
Despite the claims behind many existing products, there is no definitive research that supports the notion that supplements cause regrowth after hair loss.
Myth #4: Stress can cause hair loss.
Myth #4: Stress can cause hair loss.
While a sudden onset of emotional and psychological stress can potentially be a factor in hair loss and thinning, the typical, everyday stress experienced by most individuals has not been shown to be a cause for significant hair loss.
Myth #5: Hair loss is permanent.
Myth #5: Hair loss is permanent.
Fortunately, there are some instances where hair loss is only a temporary thing. For example, women who have experienced hair loss during pregnancy may have a regrowth several months postpartum, or individuals who are simply experiencing a nutritional imbalance may find that a diet adjustment can help in the regrowth process.