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Hair Loss Prevention

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Hair loss is a part of life. As we grow older, our hair recedes, weakens, things, and even falls out. Unfortunately, a lot of times this happens way earlier for some people than others, including both men and women. Some people start losing hair as early as high school. Others lose hair more excessively throughout their 20s. We aren’t all gifted with a full head of hair throughout our lives, but there are ways to prevent early hair loss! 


Tight hairstyles


This mostly goes for women, but since the man bun is a new trend, this also pertains to men! You want to avoid wearing super tight hairstyles like braids, buns or ponytails. Obviously, you don’t have to avoid these all the time, but if you wear tight braids, cornrows, or a slicked back ponytail frequently, you may want to consider dropping those locks to your shoulders and let your hair breathe a little bit. Wearing those tight dos puts major stress on the follicles and base of the hair. This weakens the hair structure and causes hair to fall out sooner than it should. 


Compulsive habits


Many people, when facing stress, tend to revert to compulsive habits such as pulling, twisting or rubbing their hair. These bad compulsive habits can cause damage to the hair and the follicle, causing hair to shed. Try to be mindful when stressed to not grab, twist, or pull hair, as the negative effects over time could be catastrophic to your beautiful locks and scalp! 


Gentle washing and brushing


Often times, people tend to wash their hair aggressively, attempting to force shampoo into their scalp and deeper inside the hair. You must be aware that doing this is harmful to your hair and follicles. You want to wash your hair gently, more like a massage for your scalp. Then, when drying off your hair, use a microfiber towel and try to avoid rubbing the towel aggressively on your hair. This will prevent damage and keep your hair healthy! When you brush your hair, use a wide-tooth comb to prevent ripping hair out and breaking individual strands! 


Avoid heat/chemical processing


Hair treatments such as hot rollers, curling irons, flat irons, and hot oil treatments can cause significant damage to your hair, especially over time. A lot of the time, you can literally hear your hair singing, which is burning and destroying a lot of your hair all at once. Also all those trips to the salon can add up! Pay close attention to how many chemical treatments you have applied to your hair. Be mindful how this can affect your hair over time, and can ultimately cause excessive damage and hair loss. 


If you need more information on things to avoid to protect and keep your hair, Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth offers free consultations! Keep your hair healthy and discover ways to even grow back your damaged or thinning hair! Call Apollo today for your free consultation! Get your hair back. Get your life back!

Last modified on Tuesday, 27 August 2019 13:55