Summertime tends to bring about lots of talk about hair and how to keep it healthy, especially in Texas. The heat can be unbearable, and can send those pesky bloggers (like me) into a frenzy about how to keep your beautiful locks healthy during the dog days.
I’m here to debunk some of the myths out there.
This is an honest blog and, at Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth, we only want you and your hair to be as healthy as possible without crazy remedies to heat (or cold). Here are some myths out there that I want to talk about.
Lemon juice
You may have heard that lemon juice is a good way to lighten your hair under the summer sun. While this is somewhat accurate, it only works on natural hair. Not everyone has natural-colored hair these days. In fact, most don’t. If your hair is dyed or highlighted, applying lemon juice will not lighten your locks under the sun… it will turn them orange most likely. So don’t spend big bucks on getting your hair colored only to waste that money and time on lemon juice turning you into something out of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
Stick with same hair product
So many people tend to stick with the same hair product, especially during the summer. But this may actually be worse for your hair. Your hair and scalp can build somewhat of a tolerance or resistance to the same product, so I highly recommend staying in the same brand of hair products, but switching seasonally. This will give your hair a breath of fresh air, but also keep it in the family of products you currently use without making such drastic changes!
Towel drying causes damage
Rumor has it towel drying hair damages it. EHHHHHH. Partially true. It really only damages it if you aggressively rub the towel all over your head, especially those with thinner hair. However, patting your hair down with a towel after you get out of the pool or shower if perfectly fine! It’s a quick way to soak up some of that water and let the sun do the rest. Don’t go crazy with the towel, but, by all means, feel free to blot that wetness out so you can continue about your day!
Wash your hair every day to keep it clean
Sweat and oils develop more quickly and more severely during the summer. It’s 105 degrees outside some days. Sometimes hotter. I get it. Humans sweat. But some of these oils are natural oils that keep your hair healthy! Washing your hair daily puts stress and strain on your hair and follicles and can actually cause damage. Look into getting a dry shampoo and use it every third day or so. Dry shampoo can give you that clean hair look by soaking up unwanted oils that make your hair look greasy. Protect your hair with a good dry shampoo and thank me later!
If your hair is thinning, shedding, or you notice bald spots, call Apollo Hair Replacement to schedule a free consultation to figure out why your hair is thinning, and to hear treatment options. Get your hair back. Get your life back!