Understanding Hair Thinning

Hair thinning is natural as we get older, and finding stay hairs in your brush is not usually a problem, but hair thinning can be the result of some other problem.
The hairs we see on the outside of the human body are actually dead keratin cells. Keratin is a protein naturally produced in the body. The hair growth process has three phases: anagen, catagen and telogen. Anagen is the growth process and lasts anywhere from two to six years. Catagen is a transitional phase in the growth process and lasts a few weeks until the telogen phase begins; the resting phase where hair is shed. As we age, this process slows and less hair is grown under the skin and pushed to the surface.
There are different types of hair loss (alopecia):
Involutional alopecia. This is the natural thinning process in humans, where the hair follicles stay in the resting phase longer. Hair also does not grow as long and sheds more often.
Alopecia universalis. This condition is due to an autoimmune disorder. All of the hair on the body is rapidly lost and can occur at any age. There is no known treatment.
Telogen effluvium. This is a natural and normally temporary condition where a large number of hair follicles enter the resting phase of the hair growth process. Hair can typically grow back within a year.
Androgenic alopecia. This genetic condition affects both genders at different ages. Men typically suffer from androgenic alopecia in their late teens to early 20s and is characterized by pattern baldness and receding frontal hairline. Women don't typically see symptoms until their 40s and experience general thinning all over the scalp. Minoxidil and finasteride are FDS-approved drugs that can slow this genetic condition, but more severe conditions require hair transplant surgery.
Alopecia areata. Also considered an autoimmune disorder, alopecia areata is believed to be genetic and not contagious. It is characterized by sudden patchy hair loss in people of all ages. Hair normally returns within a year and can be supported by minoxidil and finasteride.
At Apollo, we had both surgical and nonsurgical options to help you with your hair loss. We are the world leader in hair loss solutions; even if you travel abroad, Apollo will be there for your hair loss needs. A free consultation is a phone call away.