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4 Crazy Hair Facts!

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What do we really know about our hair? Is it fabulous? Absolutely. But there’s a lot more to those beautiful locks than most people know. So let’s run through some cool facts!


Your hair grows about 1.27cm each month!

This is an average, of course, and it doesn’t seem like a lot. But because our hair is different lengths all over, that growth rate can quickly disrupt styles and start to look shaggy or unkempt.


As we grow older, our hair permanently thins and falls out.

As terrifying as that sounds, it’s a fact of life. Our hair will never be as thick and lucious and beautiful as it once was in our younger days. Unless we’re George Clooney. Which we aren’t. Unfortunately. But if you’re getting older or even if you’re young and your hair is thinning, you could always get a free consultation from Apollo Hair Replacement!

Curly hair growth is less visible!

Did you know if you have curly hair, you can grow your hair out longer without it being as visible or noticeable as someone with straight hair? That sounds like common sense, but it’s something we don’t always realize or think about. If you have curly hair, you’re saving money on haircuts! Nice.


People with red hair require 20% more anaesthetic before surgery than blondes or brunettes.

How crazy is that? Who would have thought that because the MC1R gene (the gene that causes people to have red hair) belongs to the same family of genes that play a role in pain, the mutation causes redheads to be more sensitive to it. Because they’re more sensitive to pain, they need more anaesthetic!


Whether you have red, gray, brown, blonde, or pink hair, make sure it’s thick and healthy! If you’re hair is thinning or balding, call Apollo Hair Replace of Dallas/Fort Worth to schedule your free consultation and see how we can help you!


Contact us now for a free consultation! Get your life back for the holidays!

Last modified on Friday, 22 February 2019 11:31