What do we really know about our hair? Is it fabulous? Absolutely. But there’s a lot more to those beautiful locks than most people know. So let’s run through some cool facts!
Your hair grows about 1.27cm each month!
This is an average, of course, and it doesn’t seem like a lot. But because our hair is different lengths all over, that growth rate can quickly disrupt styles and start to look shaggy or unkempt.
As we grow older, our hair permanently thins and falls out.
As terrifying as that sounds, it’s a fact of life. Our hair will never be as thick and lucious and beautiful as it once was in our younger days. Unless we’re George Clooney. Which we aren’t. Unfortunately. But if you’re getting older or even if you’re young and your hair is thinning, you could always get a free consultation from Apollo Hair Replacement!
Curly hair growth is less visible!
Did you know if you have curly hair, you can grow your hair out longer without it being as visible or noticeable as someone with straight hair? That sounds like common sense, but it’s something we don’t always realize or think about. If you have curly hair, you’re saving money on haircuts! Nice.
People with red hair require 20% more anaesthetic before surgery than blondes or brunettes.
How crazy is that? Who would have thought that because the MC1R gene (the gene that causes people to have red hair) belongs to the same family of genes that play a role in pain, the mutation causes redheads to be more sensitive to it. Because they’re more sensitive to pain, they need more anaesthetic!
Whether you have red, gray, brown, blonde, or pink hair, make sure it’s thick and healthy! If you’re hair is thinning or balding, call Apollo Hair Replace of Dallas/Fort Worth to schedule your free consultation and see how we can help you!
Contact us now for a free consultation! Get your life back for the holidays!
Could your hair loss be caused by stress?
How physiological stress can lead to hair loss
Physiological, or physical, stress like a major illness, surgery or infection can cause the hair to go into a resting stage where it stops growing and then significant amounts fall out three to six months later. This resting stage is natural and about 10% of your 120,000 - 150,000 hair follicles are going through a resting stage at any time. This results in an average loss of 100 hairs/day. The problem is that certain physical stresses can cause your body to send a much larger percentage of follicles into the resting stage, and large amounts of hair suddenly fall out at once, which can be frightening.
Hair loss today may have been caused by stress from months ago
Confusing the situation is the fact that the actual hair loss occurs months after the physical stress occurred. If you are losing gobs of hair today, it was definitely not caused by that stress at work yesterday, that fight with your spouse, or your kids. It was caused by something that happened months ago--that surgery, the 30 pounds you lost suddenly, the nasty virus that spiked your temperature sky-high, or the birth of your child.
The good news about hair loss and stress
If a temporary physiological stress does cause hair loss, it will be temporary. Once the hair falls out, the follicles will start the natural cycle again and start to grow new hair. By the time you have noticed the problem, your hair is probably already growing back. Your beautiful new hair may have just pushed out the hair that was in the resting stage.
How emotional stress might lead to physiological stress
While emotional stress is not directly related to hair loss, an emotionally stressful situation can sometimes cause people to lose weight, not eat properly, or become severely ill. This may then result in hair loss months later. If this has happened to you, then you can limit this problem in the future by paying closer attention to your physical health in times of stress. Again, hair loss caused by temporary physiological stress will be temporary and there is little reason to worry.
Hair loss can cause stress
Any hair loss--no matter the cause--can cause a lot of emotional stress. There is no need to suffer. If you are experiencing hair loss, our staff is always ready to answer your questions and help you find the best solution. You are not alone. We have everything from topical treatments to the latest in laser therapy. We'll help you determine the cause and get you started with an effective solution.
Stress and hair loss don't have to be permanent. If you get your stress under control, your hair might grow back.
Still worried about your hair loss? Call us now for a FREE consultation! 1-800-339-4247
Cosmetic Reconstruction
Apollo Hair Replacement, the world's leader in nonsurgical hair replacement is proud to introduce Apollo Cosmetic Reconstruction (ACR), the next generation in hair replacement. Apollo Cosmetic Reconstruction is the latest technological advancement that redefined Apollo's place as the innovative leader in hair replacement.
Apollo Cosmetic Reconstruction is an extraordinary non-surgical hair replacement solution. Created to the exact site of the client’s thinning/balding area, the graft is infused with human hair, matching the client’s own hair color, texture, density, and wave. It is so realistic that most people can't tell it isn't your own natural hair even when running their fingers through it! As the name suggests it is entirely cosmetic, meaning non-surgical. And although at first glance it may just seem like a really, really high-quality wig or toupee, it's in fact a one-of-a-kind custom fitted hairpiece carefully crafted especially for you using real human hair.
Once applied, it can be left in place for weeks at a time and treated as your own hair. This is because it's cosmetically applied directly to your scalp rather than merely sitting on your head like a standard wig. Wear it to bed, in the shower, even swimming. Wash it, style it, blow dry it!
Approximately 80% of men and about 95% percent of women with excessive thinning and pattern baldness are candidates. Candidacy can only be determined by a 10 to15-minutee diagnostic evaluation at our office.
Contact Us to Find Out More
At Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas / Fort Worth, we take pride in being able to offer you both surgical and non-surgical hair loss solutions. By introducing new and innovative technologies, we can provide our clients with the widest array of hair loss solutions.
We understand what it's like to be frustrated in the search for answers. At Apollo of Dallas / Fort Worth that frustration ends! We strive not only to solve your hair loss problem, but to provide the most positive, comfortable, and confidential service in the hair replacement industry.
According to the American Hair Loss Association, hair loss affects nearly 85% of men by the time they’re 50. Women, though less likely to make their hair loss known, make up 40% of hair loss sufferers across the country. Fortunately, there are solutions. Hair systems are nonsurgical replacements for hair that help men and women regain the self-confidence that comes with a full head of hair.Available at Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth, Apollo Cosmetic Reconstruction (ACR) is a hair system that is custom-designed for both men and women. This system utilizes the greatest innovations and advancements in hair replacement technology. Created to fit your hair loss needs, ACR can restore your hair to its original condition.
If you are suffering from thinning hair or baldness and feel embarrassed about your appearance, hair transplant surgery may be the right solution for you. Many people have a number of specific questions regarding hair transplants. To learn the answers to some common questions regarding hair transplant surgery, take a look at the information below.
What are Hair Transplants?
When you undergo hair transplant surgery, the replacement hairs used are actually strands that are taken from your own body. Because hair transplant surgery is completed using your own hair, you do not face the risk of your body rejecting the transplant.
How Does Hair Transplant Surgery Work?
During hair transplant surgery, hair is taken from an area of the body where it grows in abundance, such as the neck or behind the ears, and placed in your scalp. The hairs are grafted onto the treatment area in very small groups to simulate natural hair growth.
Will My Hair Transplants Be Noticeable?
Many individuals fear that other people will be able to notice the hair transplants. This fear is often based on the less sophisticated hair restoration procedures of the past. Modern hair transplant surgery produces results that look and feel natural, even under close inspection.
How long will Recovery Take after Hair Transplant Surgery?
After surgery, it can take between several days and a week before the graft sites have completely healed. It is important that you remain sedentary for the first few days after surgery and avoid intense physical activities for about a week. Complete recovery takes between three and four months, after which time you can begin cutting and styling your hair however you would like.
Contact Us With Your Questions About Surgical & Non-Surgical Hair Loss Solutions
At Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas / Fort Worth, we take pride in being able to offer you both surgical and non-surgical hair loss solutions. By introducing new and innovative technologies, we can provide our clients with the widest array of hair loss solutions.
We understand what it's like to be frustrated in the search for answers. At Apollo of Dallas / Fort Worth that frustration ends! We strive not only to solve your hair loss problem, but to provide the most positive, comfortable, and confidential service in the hair replacement industry.
For hair loss restoration to be successful, doctors must first identify the primary cause of hair loss. The previous belief surrounding hair loss was that it was the result of a genetic predisposition that was given by the maternal genome. However, hair loss specialists now understand hair loss to be a condition caused by a variety of factors.
1. Androgenetic Alopecia
Androgentic alopecia is most commonly referred to as male-pattern baldness and it is the most common cause of hair loss among men. Male-pattern baldness is usually characterized by hair thinning at the forehead hairline. It progresses rapidly and causes thinning at the crown of the head. Over a short period of time, the hair thins until all that remains is a thin strip of hair above the ears and neck. Research indicates that androgenetic alopecia is caused by an inherited predisposition to hair loss that is primarily, but not solely, provided by the X-chromosome.
2. Stress
Long-term emotional and physical stress can lead to alopecia areata, a condition in which white blood cells attack the hair follicles. This significantly stunts hair growth and causes hair to fall out suddenly. On occasion, extreme stress will result in Trichotillomania, an uncontrollable urge to pull out body hair. This disorder only exacerbates the hair-loss problems brought on by stress.
3. Malnutrition
Poor nutrition can weaken the immune system, prohibiting the body from fighting off dihydrotestosterone production. Dihydrotestosterone is a harmful chemical that can cause male-pattern baldness. When this chemical collects around the hair follicles, it causes hair strands to grow in thinner. Over time, the follicle stops producing hair strands altogether.
4. Hormone Imbalance
Hormone imbalances are often associated with female-pattern baldness, but this can induce male hair loss too. Hormone imbalances can cause an increase in dihydrotestosterone production. Once again, this chemical attacks the hair follicles, causing diffuse thinning and, ultimately, balding.
Hair Loss Solutions for Men
At Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas / Fort Worth, we take pride in being able to offer you both surgical and non-surgical hair loss solutions. By introducing new and innovative technologies, we can provide our clients with the widest array of hair loss solutions.
We understand what it's like to be frustrated in the search for answers. At Apollo of Dallas / Fort Worth that frustration ends! We strive not only to solve your hair loss problem, but to provide the most positive, comfortable, and confidential service in the hair replacement industry.
If you are undergoing chemotherapy, then you likely have many things on your mind, including your health and taking care of your family. The last thing you need to worry about is hair loss. Here are some tips for choosing a wig to wear during your treatments to take the burden of hair loss away:
You may want to choose a color that is exactly the same color as your hair was before you started chemotherapy, or you may want to change things up a bit. Either way, make sure the color of your wig compliments the color of your eyes and highlights your skin tone to get the most natural look possible while hiding your hair loss.
Once you begin to experience hair loss, you can choose a wig that is the same length as your hair was before it started to fall out. Or, just as with the color, you can get a little creative with your length—you could go for very long locks or a super short pixie to change up your look. You can make the most of this time by using the experience to experiment and be daring with your wig choices.
It is essential that you find a wig that is comfortable. You don't want it to itch, be too hot or too tight, or to slip when you move—those are sure signs that your wig isn't a good fit. A comfortable wig is one that you can wear without anyone knowing you've experienced the hair loss associated with chemotherapy.
You'll need to decide if you want a synthetic wig or a natural hair wig. There are advantages and disadvantages to each kind of wig, so you'll need to do your homework to decide which type is right for you.
If you need a chemotherapy wig, or are experiencing hair loss in Dallas, come to Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Ft. Worth.
Hair loss is a common problem among men and women alike. In fact, studies by the American Hair Loss Association show that approximately two out of three men over age 35 will experience some degree of hair loss—while women account for approximately 40 percent of all hair loss sufferers. Fortunately, advancements in medicine have led to the development of a number of hair restoration treatment options. Continue reading for tips on choosing the right hair replacement solution for your needs.
Determine the Underlying Cause of Your Hair Loss
One of the first steps to take when choosing a hair restoration option is to determine the underlying cause of your hair loss. For example, individuals who are suffering from hormone-related hair loss or thinning hair may be candidates for a hair transplant, whereas those whose hair loss is due to a more serious medical condition such as an autoimmune disease may need to explore other options.
Consider Your Hair Loss Pattern
It is important to consider your hair loss pattern in order to narrow down your treatment options. A hair transplant may be right for you if you are suffering from hair loss along your crown or hairline, while laser hair therapy may be better suited for individuals with thinning hair.
Consult with Your Hair Replacement Doctor
The best way to determine which hair restoration solution is right for you is to consult with your hair replacement doctor or hair transplant surgeon. An experienced surgeon will diagnose the cause of your hair loss, analyze your balding or thinning patterns, and review your overall health status to help you find the treatment option to suit your needs.
At Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas / Fort Worth, we take pride in being able to offer you both surgical and non-surgical hair loss solutions. By introducing new and innovative technologies, we can provide our clients with the widest array of hair loss solutions.
We understand what it's like to be frustrated in the search for answers. At Apollo of Dallas / Fort Worth that frustration ends! We strive not only to solve your hair loss problem, but to provide the most positive, comfortable, and confidential service in the hair replacement industry.