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DIY Hair Moisturizers

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Welcome back! The heat is quickly approaching Texas (it’s already here for a lot of us), and we need to discuss how we’re keeping our hair healthy and moisturized without breaking the bank. Let’s face it, although justifiable, it’s tough to spend a pretty penny on hair moisturizer. So we’re going to be talking about ways to make your own hair moisturizer at home! These suggestions are great ways to keep your hair from frizzing, cracking, and drying out. But most importantly, they’re cheap!


I bring up heat and the summer, but moisturizing your hair is actually important year round. During the summer you sweat, jump in chlorine pools, use excessive amounts of hair products (which include alcohol) to keep your “do” from falling, and the heat gives your hair a beating. In the winter, the wind and the cold does the same thing it does to your skin. It dries it out and causes it to be brittle and damaged. But moisturizing can help remedy these blistering months!


There are a couple different styles of moisturizers. First, you can dilute some of these suggestions with water, put the ingredients into a spray bottle, and spray it on your hair. Most of the time with these, you’re going to leave it in your hair for maximum moisturizing. The second approach is a hair mask, which you basically rub all through your hair and onto your scalp. This can be a bit messy, but you wash it out in the shower, so cleanup is easy!


For the first do-it-yourself hair moisturizer, we’re suggesting aloe vera, coconut oil, and avocado oil. Throw an ounce coconut oil, 2 ounces of aloe vera gel, and a teaspoon of avocado oil into a spray bottle. Dilute it with about a ½ cup of water and shake the bottle! Spray that concoction into your hair, let it dry, and go about your day. This will keep your hair from drying out and breaking, and it also has a nice aroma to it!


Essential oils are all the rage right now. And they’re proven to help with thousands is conditions, from the flu to, you guessed it, keeping your hair healthy. Lavender oils help with hair growth and thickness. Jojoba oil is an oil that mimics your hair’s natural oil, which keeps it healthy, while adding strength and softness. So we’re going to take half a cup of coconut oil, 3 teaspoons of shea butter, 2 teaspoons of jojoba oil, and 5 drops of lavender essential oils. Put all these ingredients in a spray bottle, shake it up, and spray it liberally into your hair and leave it! This is a great leave-in moisturizer for overnight and also on the go!


So what about hair masks? First, take a raw egg and a tablespoon of olive oil, beat them together, and there you have it. A simple, yet effective hair mask that you can apply to your hair for 30 minutes before washing it out with shampoo and conditioner! You’ll kill unwanted bacteria in your hair and lock in that moisture with the olive oil!


Next, try using an avocado, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of olive oil (to lock that moisture in again), and 1 tablespoon of loose peppermint tea! Mix those together in a bowl and apply it to your scalp and ends! You’ll immediately feel the refreshment of the peppermint and the soothing avocado and honey working your ends.


These are all great DIY hair moisturizers to keep your hair thick, healthy, and undamaged. But if you’re hair is excessively thinning, or you’re gradually noticing more and more hair loss, Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Fort Worth offers and expansive catalog of other ways to help you keep your hair… or replace it! If you’re struggling with hair loss and these moisturizers aren’t quite enough for you, contact Apollo today for your free consultation!

Last modified on Monday, 15 April 2019 16:55