Dandruff is a scalp condition that involves flaking on the skin of one's scalp. Although dandruff isn't serious or contagious, it can be difficult to treat and embarrassing to experience.
Irritated, oily skin. This is one of the most common causes of dandruff.
Not shampooing the hair frequently enough. When hair isn't washed with relative frequency, skin cells and oil can build up from the scalp. This causes dandruff.
•Malassezia. This is a yeastlike fungus that most people have on their scalps. In some cases, Malassezia can irritate the scalp and cause skin cells to grow. When these skin cells die and fall off, they appear flaky and white in the hair.
Dry skin. Flakes that result from dry skin are typically tinier and less oily than those resulting from other kinds of dandruff.
Stop scratching - It’s tempting to scratch an itchy scalp, and doing so may relieve the itch, but it can make things worse. That’s because scratching releases flakes of skin and increases visible dandruff. It can also weaken hair, making it prone to breaking.
Dandruff can have several causes, including:
Dandruff can have several causes, including:
Dandruff isn't contagious and those white flakes on your shoulders pose no health risk. Although it's embarrassing -- and the itching can be bothersome -- dandruff isn't harmful.
Stop scratching - It’s tempting to scratch an itchy scalp, and doing so may relieve the itch, but it can make things worse. That’s because scratching releases flakes of skin and increases visible dandruff. It can also weaken hair, making it prone to breaking.
To decrease the buildup of dandruff's dead skin cells, try using an antidandruff shampoo daily. Leave shampoo on for 5 minutes, then rinse well. You may need to try several dandruff shampoos to find one that works best for you. If one stops working, try another. If that doesn't help, call your doctor.
If the dandruff flakes you see are greasy and yellow, you may have seborrheic dermatitis. It's an inflammatory skin condition that can occur where there are lots of oil glands, like the scalp and face. Though seborrheic dermatitis is related to hormones, fungus, and even some neurological problems, it's treated the same as dandruff: with antidandruff shampoos. Severe cases may need a prescription steroid or antifungal medicine.
Dandruff shampoos are classified according to the medication they contain: