It's safe to say that most people want to feel confident about their physical appearance. Unfortunately, bodily issues such as dandruff can compromise an individual's aesthetic appeal and thereby lower self-esteem. Luckily, learning about what dandruff is and how to prevent it can empower you to avoid the condition altogether or manage it effectively. Read on to gain more knowledge about this topic:
What Is Dandruff?Dandruff is a scalp condition that involves flaking on the skin of one's scalp. Although dandruff isn't serious or contagious, it can be difficult to treat and embarrassing to experience.
There are several factors that can cause dandruff. Some of them include:
Irritated, oily skin. This is one of the most common causes of dandruff.
Not shampooing the hair frequently enough. When hair isn't washed with relative frequency, skin cells and oil can build up from the scalp. This causes dandruff.
•Malassezia. This is a yeastlike fungus that most people have on their scalps. In some cases, Malassezia can irritate the scalp and cause skin cells to grow. When these skin cells die and fall off, they appear flaky and white in the hair.
Dry skin. Flakes that result from dry skin are typically tinier and less oily than those resulting from other kinds of dandruff.
Risk Factors
While anyone can experience dandruff, there are certain factors that can make individuals more susceptible to the condition. Some of them include:
• Age
• Being male
• Oily scalp and hair
• Certain illnesses
TreatmentLuckily, dandruff can be managed. With mild cases, individuals may find that shampooing their hair every day with a gentle cleanser is sufficient. If the case is more serious, the individual might be in need of a medicated shampoo.
In addition to shampooing one's hair regularly, there are several steps that can be taken to reduce one's susceptibility to dandruff. Some of them include:
- Stress management. Stress impacts overall wellness and can make individuals susceptible to numerous diseases. It can also trigger dandruff, so make sure that you're implementing stress-busting strategies like meditation and journaling.
- Get some sun. Because sunlight may play a role in combating dandruff, it's a good idea to spend a bit of time outdoors each day.
Conclusion Individuals who want to feel confident about the way they look should know that dandruff can prevent them from doing so. Review the information found in this quick reference guide to ensure that you have access to the knowledge and strategies necessary to effectively manage or eliminate dandruff.
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