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Some Hair Thinning Can Be Self Inflicted

Some Hair Thinning Can Be Self-Inflicted

Easy Does It - hairstyles like cornrows or too-tight braids can cause hair loss called traction alopecia.

All of the things women do to manipulate their hair -- dyes, chemical treatments, bad brushes, blow dryers, and flat irons -- can result in damage and breakage, Roberts says. This includes brushing too much and towel drying aggressively when the hair is wet.

Luckily, for most of these issues, the hair grows back or the loss can be reversed with medical treatments. But it is important to see a professional if there seems to be something wrong, because the sooner treatment is started, the better the chances are for improving your growing season.

Here at Apollo Hair Replacement of Dallas/Ft. Worth, our hair restoration specialists offer a number of treatment options to fit your specific needs. From hair regrowth for women, hair transplants, chemotherapy wigs, and laser hair therapy—we are your number-one resource for hair replacement services in the Dallas and Ft. Worth areas. 

Call us now for your free consultation (800) 339-4247

Benefits of Argan Oil

Argan Oil is GREAT for Your Hair

Argan oil is pressed from the antioxidant and fatty acid-rich kernels found within the nuts of the argan tree. The oil is often called "Moroccan oil" in the ingredient list for skin and hair care products since the argan tree is native to Morocco. It can be somewhat expensive to produce since complete mechanization has not yet been achieved to successfully extract the oil. However, the process yields almost no waste as the leftover peels from the fruity flesh and outer shells of the nut are used as a nutrient-rich feed for Moroccan cattle. The exotic oil pressed from the heart of these nutrient-dense nuts is even more impressive. It has numerous properties which can help dramatically improve the health, strength and beauty of the skin and hair when used on a daily basis.

It is a light oil that is easily absorbed so it can "go to work" on a deeper level. High unsaturated fatty acid content The composition of argan oil is roughly 80 percent unsaturated fatty acids which are critical in the repair and healthy functioning of the cells that make up the hair and skin. They are excellent natural moisturizers since they do not interfere with our body's own moisture balancing mechanisms but rather complement them. The most notable of these fatty acids is linoleic acid, which you may have heard about for its numerous dietary and health benefits. It is considered an "essential" fatty acid as it is necessary for the proper functioning of our organs and internal body processes. Linoleic acid has shown some very impressive benefits when it comes to increasing the elasticity and vibrance of the skin and hair. By supplying a highly effective protective barrier, linoleic acid greatly reduces breakage in the hair, wrinkle formation in the skin and loss of elasticity and strength due to drying and environmental damage. The oil also contains several other oleic acids.

All of these acids combined are also effective in repairing and helping protect delicate cell membranes, smoothing rough surfaces and preventing split ends. This makes it an excellent restorative agent for damaged skin and hair. Naturally high in vitamin E Vitamin E is of vital importance in preserving the strength and vitality of both the skin and the hair. It is a very potent antioxidant. It is favored as a topical skincare and hair care ingredient because it also has some very powerful benefits in improving their appearance and is even thought to help hair grow faster.

Vitamin E also has potent anti-inflammatory properties which is why it is often recommended for use on sunburned, scarred or otherwise traumatized skin. This vitamin also helps prevent the escape of precious moisture from the epidermis as well as the surface of each strand of hair via the cuticle. Polyphenol and carotenoid content In addition to the powerful, natural antioxidant vitamin E, argan oil contains high levels of phenolic compounds or polyphenols. These are a group of antioxidants that are found naturally in plants. Since they help fight inflammation and promote healthy cell development while defeating free radical formation, they are truly a powerful weapon against aging. They can help keep the hair and skin smooth and supple by keeping the cells "younger" and healthier. Carotenoids are also natural antioxidants. These nutrients are known to work well in promoting healthy tissues. They are also known for their natural ability to help protect against UV damage and can even help to reduce its effect on exposed areas.

Source: Natural News 10/12

Why Does Hair Turn Gray?

The battle against graying hair starts as soon as the early thirties for many people, but can begin even sooner for some. The gradual loss of a pigment called melanin is what causes the hair to lose coloration and eventually end up white. This is the same pigment responsible for skin coloration. No matter how hard you fight time and natural aging will result in gray hair for every human on the planet.
Genetics can play a large role on premature aging and graying of hair. There can be other factors like stress, anxiety, diet and vitamin deficiencies that contribute to premature graying. These can be alleviated at times by increasing copper, iodine and low-fat proteins into the diet. Food like walnuts, almonds, carrots, spinach, fish, chicken and turkey are all excellent sources of needed nutrients and vitamins. 
A healthy adult can have up to 150,000 individual strands of hair on the head. They each grow independent of the other. All hair developing within the womb starts out without color. The development of melanin in the system happens over the course of nine months to provide the hair color present at birth. The process of graying happens when the body is unable to keep an adequate supply of melanin to the cortex, or inner section of the hair strand. 
With premature graying a change in diet and vitamin intake can prove helpful, but if you have a strong genetic link to early graying the battle will be tough. Staying well hydrated is critical to keeping hair healthy, vibrant and full of color. Dry and brittle hair is prone to begin the loss of melanin. The aging process slows down many natural functions of the body, such as metabolism and melanin processing. 
It is tempting to purchase hair color products to mask the graying, but these can prove to be detrimental to the overall health of your hair and scalp. If you use this method to cover grays try and find products that are free of alcohols and peroxides. There may be other ways to restore the fullness and color of hair without using harsh chemical cover-ups. Contact the professionals at Apollo Hair Replacement today and find out what options and treatments are available to help you look your best!

SPECIAL REPORT: Scientists Have Identified More Than 200 Genetic Markers Linked to Baldness

Scientists Have Identified More Than 200 Genetic Markers Linked to Baldness
A new study has pinpointed over 200 new gene variations linked to baldness. This is a huge step forward as previously only eight markers had been identified. This is good news for those who show signs of balding. These new finding will help doctors and researchers to better understand baldness and learn how to prevent it in the future. It will enable them to pinpoint specific target areas to research.

The 287 gene variations were located on over 100 different specific genes. Many of the genes relate to hair development and structure. Most of the newly found genetic variations were located near genes that had been previously identified as relating to hair growth and development. Many of the genes associated with balding are located on the X chromosome, which is inherited from the mother. The most well-known gene marker is related to the androgen receptor. It is related to the binding of testosterone and is known to be a major marker related to balding.

Over 52,000 men participated in this study. Most of them ranged in age from 40 to 70 years old. The participants were equally split between those that showed signs of balding and those that did not. Based on their findings, scientists created an algorithm to help determine who could potentially develop hair loss. Both men and women can use the algorithm to determine if they are at risk for gene-related baldness. Researchers are also attempting to determine if other factors such as waist-to-height ratio and age of menarche could be used to discern early onset balding. Essentially, there is an increased awareness between the overlap of other genetic factors and balding.

Another important factor in the early identification of baldness is that some individuals who are at risk for balding are also at risk for other harmful diseases, such as prostate cancer and cardiovascular disease. These studies are preliminary. However, with early detection, they can be addressed in a timely manner. If you score higher on the algorithm and are at risk for balding, you could also take preventive measures for cardiovascular disease.

The study presents new opportunities for further research. There is the potential to develop new products based on the findings. Researchers’ aim is to reduce or predict balding in both men and women in the future. With so many new discoveries, the chances of finding the root cause or causes are hopeful.

How Does Excess Estrogen Contribute to Hair Loss in Women?

Does Excess Estrogen Really Cause Hair Loss in Women?
There's a definite link between how your body maintains itself and what kinds of chemicals float around inside of your bloodstream. One of the most potent chemicals that affect hair loss is known as estrogen. Many women experience hairloss, particularly during times of hormonal imbalance, such as menopause. Often, this is one of the first symptoms of menopause that a woman notices. 
Let's explore how an excess of estrogen can be related to hair loss in women.

What is Estrogen?
Estrogen isn't just one hormone; it's an entire group of hormones. Each hormone influences a different part of your body, which is why some types of estrogen become more pronounced as you enter different stages of your life. For example, estradiol is one of the most common estrogen hormones in the female body. It regulates estrous and the menstrual cycle while being instrumental in repairing and maintaining parts of your body. Estrone, on the other hand, tends to be produced more as women enter the later stages of their life and begin to undergo menopause. It's one of the more common hormones we see in women whom are older and facing thinning hair.

How Does Estrogen Work in the Body?
Men and women both have varying levels of estrogen and testosterone in their bodies. Men have more testosterone and women more estrogen, but both genders have both hormone groups floating around inside their bodies. The difference between men and women, and coincidentally what gives them their gender-appropriate characteristics, is influenced by the amount of estrogen and testosterone produced in the body. In women, most of the testosterone produced becomes canceled by estrogen and vice versa. Knowing that estrogen counteracts testosterone helps to make sense of why few women actually go bald like men do when they have too much testosterone. They instead face thinning hair and significantly less body hair.

How Does Excess Estrogen Contribute to Hair Loss in Women?
Estrogen itself helps to reduce hair loss and even to extend hair's growing cycles. The problem comes when you have too much estrogen and not enough progesterone, which is an imbalance that results from aging. Progesterone works to reduce water retention, keep depression away and burn fat. Production of progesterone all but halts when you undergo menopause, but estrogen continues to be produced from fatty tissue and absorbed from things like food. When these chemicals are unbalanced, that's when hair loss begins to happen. These problems become worse when estrogen dominance occurs for a prolonged period of time to affect the thyroid.

Is Estrogen the Root of Your Hair Problems?
If you're experiencing menopause or thinning hair, contact our offices. We can perform a full screening of your hormones to determine both the cause of your hair loss problems and the treatments you need to undergo to correct them.

5 Tips for Your WInter Hair Regimen

Winter Hair Care
Winter brings a special regimen for your hair. While in the summer months, you feel free to wash the sweat and dirt off your hair on a regular basis, you can’t do the same in winter. The dry and harsh weather of the winter months can make your hair look straw like, strip moisture out of it, cause frizz, and also lead to hair fall. The following are some hair care tips for winter – 
Here are 5 tried and true tips to keep your hair healthy in these last few weeks of winter
  1. Use Deep Conditioning Treatments – You must use a deep conditioning treatment on your hair once a week. For people with extremely dry and brittle hair, this is an absolute must. Make sure the treatment you choose contains Shea butter, coconut oil, Moroccan oil, castor oil, olive oil, and other hair replenishing nutrients. 

  2. Follow No-Poo Method or Co-Washing – This is a favorite of curly haired girls and for winter, it can be used by straight haired people too. Basically, you do not use any shampoo to wash your hair but, instead, you invest in a good cleansing conditioner which has only the mildest cleansing agents. This keeps the natural moisture and oils in your hair, and doesn’t allow your hair to fall too much. However, make sure you use a clarifying shampoo every couple of weeks to remove product buildup.

  3. Don’t Wash Hair Too Much – Another important thing, especially if you are not going to follow the co-wash method, is to avoid shampooing too much. Also, just focus the shampoo on the scalp, not the ends of your hair. Use a hair-dryer to dry your hair properly before you go out. Also, make sure you either have the dryer on cold setting or use a heat protectant spray on your hair before using any heat tools. 

  4. Regular Trimming – Particularly in the winter months, you will see your hair developing more split ends than ever. To keep your hair healthy looking, make sure you get a trim every 6 weeks or so. If you are growing your hair out, visit a trusted hair stylist and tell them to trim just the bare minimum of hair. Getting regular trims would ensure that you don’t cut more than 2 mm of hair, as compared to 1-2 inches. 

If you have tried all the above things and your hair is still as bad as ever, don’t worry because we are here to help. We are experts in hair science. So, just give us a call and we will help your mane to become glorious again. 

Best Veggies for Your Hair

Best Veggies for Your Hair
If you want to healthy hair that is shiny and strong, then you must consume a nutritious diet that includes tasty vegetables. By eating the right vegetables at meals and snacks, you can also improve the growth rate of your hair to have a better appearance. Here are some of the best vegetables for men and women to consume on a daily basis to have healthy hair that looks luxurious. 

Dark leafy green vegetables are good for your hair because of the high levels of antioxidants that repair the damage in your body. Kale contains several vitamins and minerals, including: 

• Vitamin C
• Vitamin K
• Vitamin B6
• Calcium
• Iron
• Magnesium

You can eat kale raw in a salad or on a sandwich, but it is also possible to cook this vegetable in a variety of ways.

You should eat pumpkin year-round rather than only in the autumn because this food offers an assortment of nutrients that include: 

• Iron
• Calcium
• Vitamin C
• Vitamin A
• Vitamin B6

It is possible to find canned pumpkin at local supermarkets to use in baked goods or delicious smoothie beverages.

Fresh or frozen broccoli is easy to find in most grocery stores, and this is a vegetable that can help you have luxurious hair because it contains these minerals and vitamins:

• Vitamin C
• Vitamin B6
• Magnesium 
• Vitamin A
• Calcium
• Iron 

Broccoli is a versatile vegetable that you can use in numerous recipes, or it is possible to consume it raw after dipping it in salad dressing. 

Bell Peppers
Today, bell peppers are in several colors such as red, yellow and orange in addition to green. Not only do bell peppers contain antioxidants that can help your hair shine, but also, this vegetable offers these nutrients:

• Vitamin C
• Vitamin B6
• Magnesium
• Iron 
• Vitamin A

You can slice bell peppers into sections to use in a stir-fry, or you can use the raw strips of this vegetable in a salad. 

Sweet Potatoes
Stop eating white potatoes because sweet potatoes have more nutrients. You can enjoy sweet potatoes at anytime of the year to strengthen your hair strands. This vegetable contains these vital nutrients: 

• Vitamin B6
• Iron
• Vitamin A
• Calcium
• Vitamin C

You can bake sweet potatoes in an oven to have this vegetable any day of the week. Make sure to add all of these vegetables to your weekly shopping list. 

Hair Trend: Hair Masks

Hair Trend: Hair Masks
Daily conditioners can be nice, but what if you need something a little more? After all, dailies only treat the surface of your hair - they don't actually do anything to restructure your hair. Going with a mask or masque, which you can leave in for 3 - 15 minutes, or even overnight if needed, is often the better choice for those who want to really give their hair some much needed TLC. 

With hair masks, however, you won't find just one perfect fit all solution. There are different things that different hair types need. Consider if you have straight or curly hair, dry or oily scalp etc. before choosing a specific brand or type of hair mask. Many labels will tell you a suggestion for hair type.

Look for hair masks (or make your own!) that have these ingredients for a sure-fire way to get healthier, stronger hair! 

Olive Oil
It's a natural conditioner that will have your hair looking shiny and feeling soft by locking in your hair's moisture and ensuring that your scalp doesn't dry out. It prevents common ailments such as flyaways, split ends, and general hair breakage. 

This helps your hair to retain its moisture as well as helps prevent your hair from falling out. Honey acts as an emollient, which keeps your hair smooth and soft. It also makes your hair shine and brings back its sheen. 

The benefits (and ingredient list) of coconuts can be broken up into two parts: 

- Coconut Milk: It helps repair your hair, providing it with moisture from tip to root, and is a natural detangler. It's also a fantastic conditioner. 

- Coconut Oil: This part of the coconut will keep your hair shiny and soft, and helps to prevent hair breakage. 

Avocados help to repair damaged hair, as well as fight off that frizz and restore shine. Most hair masks use avocado oils rather than the pulp or meat, but given that they have the same effect, this shouldn't make too much of a difference. 

There are tons of ingredients you should keep an eye out for, depending on your hair type. Consult with your stylist about what ingredients you should keep an eye out for!

Water and Your Hair: From the Inside Out

Water and Your Hair: From the Inside Out
Everyone knows that water is crucial for the heath of the skin, but what about the hair? Skin is a living organ of the body, but hair is dead. Why should how much water a person does or doesn’t drink affect it? But of course, water does affect hair as it affects every other system in the body. Here is how and why.

Hair itself may be made of dead cells but it arises from living tissue called a hair follicle. This is a tiny sac found in the scalp that’s lined with skin cells and lubricated with sebaceous oils. The follicle needs water to bring nutrients to it, and remove wastes. This allows healthy hair to grow. People who don’t drink as much water as they should often notice that their hair is dry and brittle. Moreover, if they suffer some extreme stress, their hair may stop growing or even start to fall out.

Water is also important in cleaning the hair, but hot and cold water behave differently. Hot water is better than cold water when it comes to rinsing away dirt and old oil, but it causes the pores in the hair to open up. Though this allows moisturizers and conditioners to get into the hair, it can also make the hair brittle. While cold water may not get rid of as much dirt, the pores of hair rinsed with cold water don’t open up, and the hair is stronger. Because of this, some experts recommend shampooing and conditioning the hair with hot water and rinsing with cold water.

Another concern people have when it comes to water and hair is whether the water is hard or soft. Hard water has a lot of minerals in it. These minerals are largely calcium and magnesium. They are good for overall health, but they are not good for the look of the hair and can leave it dry, brittle and dull. Some people install a water softening system to combat this. It not only spares their hair but keeps laundry from looking dingy when it comes out of the washing machine. Other experts recommend a chelating shampoo, which takes the minerals out of the hair. Still others have found that washing the hair with purified bottled water or even distilled water avoids the damage done by water that's full of minerals.

Whether it’s taken internally or externally, water is vital to the health of the hair.